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Forwarding the Arts and Creativity

Updated: May 10, 2023

I received a different sort of email the other day. It was from a teacher who taught an online class called Music and Arts for kids. Since I am creating online teaching content myself, I read on.

He was teaching about different types of song composition and a student brought in an article to share. I'm a BIG FAN of musical creativity and I enjoyed the article so I am sharing it here.

Now I have a suggestion for Chuck's class. Experience creating some lyrics for a song! The first song I wrote for my Play Piano Chords Today Course, Make Music Today, has always been great to teach and fun to play but needs better lyrics. Something suitable for across the ages. Something less preachy and more catchy. I haven't had the time to re-write them. So...

Here is a link to the lead sheet and here is a link to what it sounds like. (the free

preview will be up until Jan 31, 2021). If you are inspired, send me your lyrics

and they may show up in the next printing of PPCT Book 1! My contact info is

on the lead sheet.

There is nothing that gets you to appreciate someone else's creativity more than being creative yourself. Reach deep and see what you find!

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